Unithai Shipyard earns CSR Award for the third consecutive year

For the third consecutive year, Unithai Shipyard has received a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award from the Ministry of Industry, again testifying to its conscientious dedication to the community in all operational practices, in accordance with the ISO 26000 international standard, which sets out CSR guidelines. CSR Award Presentation was presided by Deputy-Permanent Secretary to Ministry of Industry, Mr. Arthit Wuthikaro, on December 19 at IMPACT Convention Center, Bangkok. Mr.Teerapon Udomkanjananan, Managing Director of Unithai Shipyard and Engineering, represented the company to receive the award.
ISO 26000 – accepted by major international organisations in 100 countries – guides all types of enterprises, public and private, large and small, in demonstrating their commitment to assisting and improving their home nations and surrounding communities. The core idea is to strive for mutual sustainable development through sound organisational governance, recognition of human rights, honourable operating and labour practices, attention to the environment and consumer issues, and community involvement and development.
Unithai Shipyard has received a ‘CSR Award’ from the Industry Ministry’s Department of Industrial Work each year since 2010, in recognition of long-term social responsibility, as well as the ‘CSR Continuous Award’ last year and this year.
The ministry introduced the CSR Award in 2008 to encourage industries to show concern for the public in operating their business. Thus far only 400 enterprises have been recognised with this award out of 100,000 industries nationwide.