Unithai Shipyard and Engineering Limited received the CSR - DIW Continuous Award 2019 for 9 years continuously”

Mr. Somchai Pleanchaisuk, Senior Manager – Quality Assurance and Environment, Quality Assurance and Environment Dept. of Unithai Shipyard & Engineering Limited received the CSR – DIW Continuous Award 2019 for 9 years continuously in the academic seminar “Eco-Innovation Forum 2019” under the concept “Circular Economy: Way to Smart and sustainable Eco Industrial Town” The announcement of the award and the seminar have the objective to promote the development of eco-industrial cities under the principles of a circular economy that focuses on the most efficient use of resources to solve the problem of over-use of resources from the expansion of the world population. Unithai Shipyard & Engineering Limited has continuously implemented the sustainable development policy for the 9 years and honored to receive the CSR – DIW Continuous award 2019 at Miracle Grand Convention Hotel Bangkok on 23 September 2019.